Friday, June 20, 2014

So here's my first post. But first--a moment of silence for my old, dead Xanga page.


If Xanga hadn't collapsed, I might have celebrated its tenth birthday this year.

Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That's the way that Lady Luck dances

I haven't even written a paragraph and I've already included one Rush lyric. Yeah, you should probably expect more of this.

Oh shoot, that's right. Introductions. Sorry.

I'm the Heretic of the Temples of Syrinx--you know, that one Priest who got kicked out for sympathizing with the poor schmuck whose guitar they broke. Since that name's obviously a mouthful, you can just call me Nico.

For all intents and purposes, this blog will continue on in the spirit of that Xange page which held the last eight or nine years of my life. On the plus side, none of you have to experience the far worse cringe-worthiness of the early days of that page.

I used to write mostly of my relationship woes on that page, so that's one of the first things I'm changing this time around. I'm going to reduce that sort of content considerably and try to focus more on the music, books, and other media that inspire my thoughts. For several months now, I've been seriously considering writing an essay series on my thoughts, feelings, and musings on each of the albums in Rush's discography. It's a daunting task, so maybe I'll procrastinate a little more. Once I've made myself get down to it, though, those essays will appear here for your reading pleasure.

I have a friend who will be more than likely to read this, but I still wonder whether I'll still be transmitting to the emptiness like I used to on Xanga. Only time will tell.

This next semester at college will be my very last so I'll be taking the Senior Seminar in English. I've decided to write about Dune by Frank Herbert for about twenty-five pages. It's likely that I will post about that too, to churn up some more thoughts and maybe, hopefully bounce some off of you. In advance--I really appreciate it.

Thanks for welcoming me here, Blogger.

This is the Heretic of the Temples of Syrinx and I'm finding my way.

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