Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pieces of You

It's been too long since I've done this--writing an original poem. Being here in a new place with my lover has provided me with some more perspective on where I've been and the people with whom I've spent my time. There's nothing that casts your life into sharp relief like excruciatingly intense happiness and unfathomable distance.

Sometimes when Lalita isn't here or when she and I are sharing a particularly emotional moment, images and sensations from my past float to the surface. I deeply appreciate my abilities to think and feel deeply, but sometimes I see them as a burden and a curse. And then the introspection begins. It's always better when she's there, because there's another mind, another soul to think and feel alongside mine. But then there are those times when she can't be, and I've got to be okay on my own. Trust me, I'm no stranger to loneliness.

A boy alone so far from home
Endless rooftops from my window
I felt the gloom of empty rooms
And rainy afternoons

It's a kind of semi-comfortable solitude that I've been coming to terms with ever since I endured those long, dark nights in the wake following the collapse of my first real relationship. It actually stretches even further back, back to the times I spent alone writing up posts on my old Xanga late at night in my senior year at high school. So I've been here before. I know it's a place that I'll still visit frequently. Allowing myself to become familiar with loneliness is quite similar to how I'll revisit painful memories. Doing this keeps me keenly aware of my emotional state. I can accurately measure my happiness because I know my position on the spectrum. I believe in the coexistence of dark and light. Joy and sadness. Rain and sun. Summer and winter. Love and pain, most of all. Though we may file all these concepts into binaries, it's only so we can reduce them into comprehensible, bite-sized pieces for our limited human brains and relate them in the flawed systems of language. We have such a tenuous hold on reality.

As you should be able to predict by now, I of course will resort to grappling with these heavy and unwieldy things with the awkward tools of language. And that leads to writing. It's always helped me. So far I haven't lost hold of my sanity, so there's evidence that this still works.

Just this past weekend, Lalita went out with a friend and left me alone in the apartment where I contended with my thoughts as I always do. And this is the result. I appreciate your reading this.

Pieces of You
19 April 2016

In this world
It may seem ridiculous
To hold on to anything at all.

But here I am
In this place,
Not too far from you
And what we used to have.

In my pockets I still carry
Those movie tickets from the early days,
Those urgent emails,
Those letters you wrote to me when we were apart,
Those hairpins you wore to work,
Those ashes and cigarette butts,
And all those long and thoughtful texts.

I should say goodbye,
Turn around and walk away,
But you know me better than that.

Instead, I'll hold on
To the things you left behind,
Evidence of your existence
In my life.

In this time
It may seem pointless
To remember anything at all.

But here you are
In my mind,
Not all that long ago,
Living again and again like it was just yesterday.

In my memory you are still
Wearing that little yellow hoodie,
Moving gracefully on top of me with your hips,
Listening to the music of the spheres,
Pinning me against the wall with your lips,
Raining your toxic hatred down on my heart,
And reaching out to hold my hand for the first time.

I should pack up
All these images and sensations,
Send them into the abyss and forget--
 But these memories are much too strong.

   Despite you and me and what's expected of us,
I'll cherish and preserve
The stories we wrote together,
Emotional documentation
Of who we once were.

In this life
It may hurt too much
To keep going on.

But here it remains
In my heart,
Just as fresh
As an open wound on a battlefield.

On my soul remain scars from when
You used me as a stepping stone,
You took aim and sniped at my own self-worth,
You broke your promise to go nowhere,
You chose your friends over me,
You ran from me into the arms of Jesus,
And locked up your drowning heart.

I should clean the wound,
Bind it, take my pill,
And numb myself to the pain,
But I'm too much of a glutton for life.

Contrary to what is popular and sensible,
I'll ache and bleed
From my heart and soul
Because we have been together.

Pieces of you
Are now pieces of me
In an awkwardly shambling mass
Of small tokens, aging memories, and abiding pain.

In this society
I am a kleptomaniac.
In this civilization
I am grossly inefficient.
And in your view,
I am probably sad and misguided.

But in this world
I have to create my own meaning.
In this time
I can't forget where I've been.
And in this life
These pieces of us are everything.

Wherever you go,
Pieces of you will remain with me.
Whomever I find myself with,
I will keep these pieces of you safe.
After hundreds of seasons melt and fade away,
Pieces of you will live on inside of me.

To this day and into the distant future
I will never forget
The flag dancer who traveled with me to Jupiter,
The sweet, innocent trumpeter,
The dark-haired and dark-hearted courtesan,
The animal rescuer from the mountains,
The twisted waitress with the soul full of poison,
The mother who barely escapes annihilation every day,
The passionate lover whose hearing fades slowly,
Or my best friend who reached for me across an ocean and a year of deathly silence.

These pieces of you
May weigh me down,
Play unbidden, vivid images in my mind,
And wound me for the rest of my life,
But I will never give them up.

Perhaps, on a rainy afternoon,
If only in brief passing,
After we've become
A little wiser,
A little grayer,
And life, love, laughter, loss, and loneliness
Have worn paths across our faces,
You and I will meet again
And forgive, embrace, recriminate, blame, avoid,
And remember each other.

But here I remain
With these pieces of you
Still in my hands, my mind, and my heart.

Despite society's expectations,
Contrary to your wishes,
And regardless of my pain,
I will carry these pieces of you.


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